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Orange scented wax 100% safe for health La GrVNd Dame

- Product name: Orange scented wax

- Ingredients: soy wax with beeswax, essential oils, dried flowers, dried apples, gentle natural fragrance from orange peel, dried flowers and dried apples with freeze-drying technology, natural color. The scented wax fabric bag is made 100% from environmentally friendly bamboo fiber, easy to decompose, and good against mold.

- Characteristic:

+ Scented wax is made up of ingredients mainly fatty acids, vaseline and some other synthetic fragrances such as aldehyde, cetol, paraffin.... these compounds help create fragrance that can stimulate the brain. set

+ When exposed to air, the substances in scented wax will diffuse, reach the molecules that cause unpleasant odors and decompose them. From there, combine with the fragrance from the ingredients inside to make your room smell more pleasant

- Uses:

+ Orange scented wax helps reduce abdominal discomfort

+ Stimulates brain organs, spreading scent to create a pleasant feeling

+ Helps eliminate bad odors in the room

+ Helps you sleep better and deeper

+ Effective in repelling mosquitoes and insects

- Usage time: 3 years

- Instructions for using orange scented wax: Hang anywhere you want to smell the scent of small spaces (closet, car, desk,...)

- Note when using:

+ Open the room door and windows to ventilate when using scented wax. Do not block the scent in the room, which is not good for your health

+ Avoid letting scented wax get on clothes, skin, and eyes

+ Store in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from heat and sunlight, which will melt the wax

+ Keep out of reach of children

+ Cover and store in a dry place when not in use

- Quality certification: C/O form AI, GMP - WHO, USDA - ORGANIC, ISO 9001-2015, Halal Certificate"

- Manufactured: Vietnam

Orange scented wax 100% safe for health La GrVNd Dame

₫89,000 Regular Price
₫53,400Sale Price
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669 National Highway 1A, Quarter 3, Linh Xuan Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City


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